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Segue abaixo os dados bas BGs do GazpromBank (Russia). Essas Bgs estao sendo largamente procuradas no mercado, até porque a economia russa vem dispontando no cenario mundial de forma visivel. Esse Banco é um dos maiores bancos da Russia senao o maior e participante do Sistema Euroclear. Temos em nosso poder o Draft do Contrato ja firmado pelo beneficiario, com passaporte e todos os dados pessoais e da empresa detentora do instrumento, mais o IFMPA completo com NCND e Master Free Protection Agreement com grade e comissionamento, pronto para colher as assinaturas e endosso do banco do buyer. Preco: 77% + 2% do valor de face . Apos a verificaçao aguardamos com urgencia (em funçao da procura dessas BGs) uma Letter of Intent em papel timbrado do comprador, completa, para que possamos remeter-lhe o DRAFT DE CONTRATO E IFMPA. Demais dados: veja abaixo: ADDENDUM No. 1 to
the Agreement No. 29/12/06/BG/500.0
Moscow - city December, 29th 2006
The subject of the Addendum No. 1 to the Agreement No. 29/12/06BG/500/0 of December, 29th 2006 are the following securities:
Type: Bank Guarantees
Quantity: 1 (One)
Number: BG - 7588/65/20122006
Face Value, ????: 500.000.000,00 ?
Date of issuance: 20 December 2006 ?.
Maturity date: 20 January 2008 ?.
Total sum of bank guarantees face value, Euro: 500.000.000,00 (five hundred millions)
The Seller declares and guarantees, that the basis for issuance of the Bank Guarantees of the JSB "Gazprombank" offered by them, are the assets originated from the bona fide source, unencumbered and of non-criminal origin as well as these bank guarantee were not offered to any third Party and will not be offered after this Agreement is signed.
the Agreement No. 29/12/06/BG/500.0
Moscow - city December, 29th 2006
The subject of the Addendum No. 1 to the Agreement No. 29/12/06BG/500/0 of December, 29th 2006 are the following securities:
Type: Bank Guarantees
Quantity: 1 (One)
Number: BG - 7588/64/19122006
Face Value, ????: 500.000.000,00 ?
Date of issuance: 19 December 2006 ?.
Maturity date: 19 January 2008 ?.
Total sum of bank guarantees face value, Euro: 500.000.000,00 (five hundred millions)
The Seller declares and guarantees, that the basis for issuance of the Bank Guarantees of the JSB "Gazprombank" offered by them, are the assets originated from the bona fide source, unencumbered and of non-criminal origin as well as these bank guarantee were not offered to any third Party and will not be offered after this Agreement is signed.
the Agreement No. 29/12/06/BG/500.0
Moscow - city December, 29th 2006
The subject of the Addendum No. 1 to the Agreement No. 29/12/06BG/500/0 of December, 29th 2006 are the following securities:
Type: Bank Guarantees
Quantity: 1 (One)
Issuer: JSB "Gazprombank" (CJSC)
Beneficiary: Company PO «Rus` - Chernozem`e»
Number: BG - 7588/64/19122006
Face Value, ????: 500.000.000,00 ?
Date of issuance: 19 December 2006 ?.
Maturity date: 19 January 2008 ?.
Total sum of bank guarantees face value, Euro: 500.000.000,00 (five hundred millions)
The Seller declares and guarantees, that the basis for issuance of the Bank Guarantees of the JSB "Gazprombank" offered by them, are the assets originated from the bona fide source, unencumbered and of non-criminal origin as well as these bank guarantee were not offered to any third Party and will not be offered after this Agreement is signed.
Price, % of the face value: 77 (Seventy seven percent) + 2% (two percent for intermediarie).
Payment currency: Euro
Mode of payment: Direct conditional bank translation on SWIFT MT 103/23 on the account of the Seller after reception on SWIFT ?? 999 bank acknowledgement ?? "Gazprombank" (Joint-Stock Company), Moscow on presence at the seller of the given Bank Guarantee, an existing format. The present price is firm, final and unchangeable.
Total sum of bank guarantees face value, Euro: 500.000.000,00 (five hundred millions)
Total cost of bank guarantees, Euro:
385.000.000,00 (Three hundred eighty five millions) Euro.
Terms of payment: after reception on SWIFT ?? 103/23 conditional bank translations{transfers} from Bank of the Buyer, bank AB "Gazprombank" (Joint-Stock Company) lets out SWIFT ?? 760 then with SWIFT ?? 103/23 the reserve is removed.
Valor Total:
Condições de Pagamento:
Aceita Permuta:
Tipo Permuta:
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